Leto 2023
Hoće li to leto?

Iz ove sezone ćemo raditi na sledećim naslovima:

↑ GORE ↑:
* Rascal Does Not Dream of Sister Venturing Out - 23.06.
* Fate/Strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn - 02.07.
* Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout - 02.07.
← LEVO ←:
* Jujutsu Kaisen #2 - 06.07.
* Biohazard/Resident Evil: Death Island 07.07.
* Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War #2: The Separation - 08.07.
→ DESNO →:
* Bungou Stray Dogs #5 - 12.07.
* Go-Toubun no Hanayome~ - 14.07
* How Do You Live? - 14.07.
↓ DOLE ↓:
* Baki: Son of Ogre #2 - 26.07.
* Sand Land - 18.08.
* Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories #11 - 10.07.

A možda bude još par naknadno dodatih.
[Image: l23.png]
A od prošle sezone je okačeno sledeće:

  • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero - Zer0Flamer, AnimeBalkan Tim
  • Odd Taxi - In The Woods - Pegla JK
  • One Piece Film: Red - EpicMan
  • Poupelle of Chimney Town - Pegla JK
  • Shinmai Maou no Testament Departures - Miki
  • To Every You I Have Loved Before - EpicMan
  • To Me, The One Who Loved You - EpicMan
  • 3Piece The Animation - ep. 01 - Miki
  • Ano Hi no Kokoro o Toraete - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Arknights: Lee's Detective Agency: A Day in Lungmen - ep. S02 - EpicMan
  • Baoh the Visitor OVA - ep. OVA - Kiba
  • Beyond Creation - ONA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Buddy Daddies - eps. 10-12 - Miki
  • Bungo Stray Dogs + OVA - eps. 49-50 - Pegla JK
  • Chihayafuru #3 - eps. 16-24 - Sai
  • Dead Mount Death Play - eps. 01-12 - Pegla JK
  • Destiny Child - ONA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Digimon Ghost Game - eps. 66-67 - EpicMan
  • Digimon Savers - ep. 22 - Nikola M., Digimon Balkan
  • Dolls' Frontline - ep. 03 - EpicMan
  • Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (2020) - eps. 14-67 - Uchiha163663
  • Edens Zero #2 - eps. 01-13 - EpicMan
  • Fastening Days ONA - eps. 01-08 - EpicMan
  • Fate/Grand Order: Ritsuka Fujimaru Doesn't Get It - eps. 07-20 - EpicMan
  • Go! Go! Ackman OVA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Grimoire of the Divine Comedy - eps. 01-02, S01 - Miki
  • Handyman Saitou in Another World - eps. 11-12 - Pegla JK
  • Isekai Ojisan - ep. 13 - Pegla JK
  • Jigokuraku - eps. 01-12 - Zer0Flamer, AnimeBalkan Tim
  • Kimetsu no Yaiba #3 - Katanakaji no Sato Hen - eps. 01-11 - Pegla JK
  • Kirakira Kirari - ONA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Konosuba (2023) - eps. 01-12 - EpicMan
  • Kyoshin to Hyouka no Shiro - ONA - eps. 01-04 - EpicMan
  • Magical Girl Magical Destroyers - eps. 01-12 - EpicMan
  • Massara - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • My Home Hero - eps. 01-12 - Pegla JK
  • My Last Day - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • My Life as Inukai-san's Dog - eps. 11-12, S01-02 - Miki
  • NieR: Automata Ver1.1a - ep. 08 - EpicMan
  • Onii-chan wa Oshimai - eps. 11-12 - Miki
  • Pokemon (2023) - eps. 01-12 - EpicMan
  • Pokemon (2023): Aim to Be a Pokemon Master - eps. 10-11 - EpicMan
  • Pole Princess!! - eps. 04-07 - EpicMan
  • Riki-Oh #1: The Walls of Hell OVA - ep. OVA - Kiba
  • Road to You: Hoshi Furu Oka no Yakusoku - ONA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Road to You: Kimi e to Tsuzuku Michi - ONA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Road to You: Kioku ni Mau Konyuki - ONA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts - eps. 01-05 - Miki
  • Saiki Kusou no Sainan #2 - eps. 01, 02 - Sai
  • Saiki Kusuo no Sainan - eps. 23-24 - Sai
  • Shinmai Maou no Testament #2 Burst + OVA - eps. 04-10, OVA - Miki
  • Star Wars: Visions Vol. 2 - eps. 01-09 - EpicMan
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War - eps. 11-12 - EpicMan
  • The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World - eps. 01-13 - Miki
  • The Seven Deadly Sins #2: Revival of the Commandments OVA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • The Vampire Dies in No Time #2 - eps. 11-12 - Pegla JK
  • Trigun Stampede - eps. 11-12 - Pegla JK
  • Uchuu Camper Chicchi - ONA - ep. 01 - EpicMan
  • Vinland Saga #2 - eps. 11-24 - Zer0Flamer, AnimeBalkan Tim

[Image: 3piece_the_animation.jpg] [Image: ano_hi_no_kokoro_o_toraete.jpg] [Image: lee_det_agency.jpg] [Image: baoh.jpg] [Image: beyond_creation.jpg] [Image: buddy_daddies.jpg] [Image: bungo_stray_dogs.jpg] [Image: chihayafuru_3.jpg] [Image: dead_mount_death_play.jpg] [Image: destiny_child.jpg] [Image: digi_gg.jpg] [Image: digi_savers.jpg] [Image: dolls_frontline.jpg] [Image: dragon_quest_dai_2020.jpg] [Image: edens_zero_2.jpg] [Image: fastening_days.jpg] [Image: fgo_frww.jpg] [Image: go_go_ackman.jpg] [Image: grimoire_of_the_dc.jpg] [Image: benriya_saitou.jpg] [Image: isekai_ojisan.jpg] [Image: jigokuraku.jpg] [Image: kimetsu_no_yaiba_3.jpg] [Image: kirakira_kirari.jpg] [Image: konosuba_2023.jpg] [Image: kyoshin_to_hyouka_no_shiro.jpg] [Image: magical_girl_md.jpg] [Image: massara.jpg] [Image: my_home_hero.jpg] [Image: my_last_day.jpg] [Image: my_life_as_is_dog.jpg] [Image: nier.jpg] [Image: onii-chan_wa_oshimai.jpg] [Image: pokemon_2023.jpg] [Image: pokemon_2023_mezase.jpg] [Image: pole_princess.jpg] [Image: riki_oh_woh.jpg] [Image: rty_hoshi.jpg] [Image: rty_kimi.jpg] [Image: rty_kioku.jpg] [Image: sacrificial_princess_atkob.jpg] [Image: saiki_kusou_2.jpg] [Image: Saiki.Kusuo.no.Sainan.jpg] [Image: shinmai_mn_testament_2.jpg] [Image: sw_visions_2.jpg] [Image: legend_of_heroes_nw.jpg] [Image: reincarnation_otseiaw.jpg] [Image: 7ds_2_ova.jpg] [Image: kyuuketsuki_sugu_shinu_2.jpg] [Image: trigun_2023.jpg] [Image: uchuu_camper_chicchi.jpg] [Image: vinland_saga_2.jpg]

Glava AO porodice  Whistling

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Leto 2023 - by Pegla - 2023-06-29, 14:54

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