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1. definitivno je zoro jaci, mozda ne mnogo ali jeste. Onda dalje Robin, Chopper, franki, Nami i Usop, za brooka nisam siguran, jel malo znamo o njegovim sposobnostima tj. verovatno posle choppera.
2. mozda franki, 100% chopper i 99% Robin.
3. Najverovatnije Robin
4. Jimbe je obecao, a sad nisam siguran za Aokija ali bi definitivno voleo da ga vidim u ekipi.
posto on i luffy imaju istog neprijatelja tj onu lavu
In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feathers be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank you God of this sight
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Vi što pratite mangu sigurno ste videli koliko je jak Frankijev robot.
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2012-12-28, 22:04
(This post was last modified: 2012-12-28, 22:06 by Yoko_Ritona.)
Usopp je jaci od nami. Ali vise manje se slazem, no franky i chopper su tu negdje po snazi, pogotovo sad kad kontrolira monster point. I brook je definitivno jaci od robin.
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Nešto si mislim da je Usopp jači nego što vi mislite. Čak negdje tamo poslije Sanjia. Ipak su ovi iz east blua uvijek bili nešto posebniji.
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Usop je ojacao definitivno i nema dileme da je mnogo jaci nego nami, ali nesto msm da je ipak Brook tu negdje sa Franky-em...
![[Image: i58w88.gif]](
Mother I’m lost without you 愛
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Ja ne citam mangu pa slabo znam o Brooku, ali ima dosta interesatne moci, on bi trebao da bude dosta jak.
@Frog da li si to stavio Usoppa u m3!!??
In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feathers be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank you God of this sight