Vrsta: TV
Prevodi kompletirani: Ne.
Broj epizoda: 220
Žanr: Borilačke veštine, komedija, avantura, nindže
Studio: Studio Pierrot
Godina: 2002
Na dan rođenja Naruta Uzumakija Konoha je napadnuta od strane devetorepe lisice demona. Sa ciljem da zaštiti selo, Narutov otac četvrti hokage žrtvuje svoj život tako što je zapečatio demona u njegovog novorođenog sina. 13 godina kasnije Naruto završava nindža akademiju i postaje šinobi sa ciljem da postane hokage sela skrivenog u lišću. Njemu se pridružuju njegov rival Saske Učiha čiji je cilj da postane dovoljno moćan da osveti svoj klan nakon sto je pobijen od strane njegovog starijeg brata Itačija. I Sakura Haruno koja se dopada Narutu, a koja obožava njegovog rivala Saskea. Ali kada Itači dođe nazad u selo nakon čuninog ispita, Saske uviđa da je nemoćan protiv svog brata. Saseke odlazi zlom Oročimaru da po svaku cenu postane dovoljno jak.
Naruto mora uraditi sve što je u njegovoj moći da zaustavi prijatelja.
0165: The Death of Naruto
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0164: Too Late for Help
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 490 Autori: Mura
0163: The Tactician's Intent
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0162: he Cursed Warrior
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0161: Appearance of Strange Visitors
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0160: Hunt or Be Hunted?! Showdown at the O.K. Temple!
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 704 Autori: Mura
0142: Three Villians of the Strictly Guarded Facility
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0141: Sakura`s Determination
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0140: Two Heartbeats, Kabuto's Trap
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 374 Autori: Simpatičan Mladić
0139: Terror! Orochimaru's Mansion
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0138: A pure betrayal. A fleeting wish.
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 388 Autori: Simpatičan Mladić
0137: The town of outlaws. The shadow of the Fuuma Clan.
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0136: Infiltration investigation?!
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0135: The Promise That Couldn't Be Kept
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0134: Concluded in a rain of tears
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0133: Tearful Yell! You are my Friend
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0132: Close Friend!
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0131: Enlightenment
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 440 Autori: Simpatičan Mladić
0130: Father and Son. The Cracked Family Crest
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 401 Autori: Mura
0129: Itachi and Sasuke. An existence too far apart.
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 398 Autori: Mura
0127-0128: Determination for One Blow! - Unreachable Outcry
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0126: Showdown of the strongest!
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0125: Allies of Konoha!
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0124: The Beast Explodes!
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0123: Konoha's Green Beast Appears
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0122: Fake-out Shikamaru's Comeback
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0121: Our Separate Battles
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0120: Roar and Howl The Ultimate Tag-Team
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0119: Miscalculation: A New Enemy Appears!
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 415 Autori: Simpatičan Mladić
0118: The Vessel Arrives Too Late
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 421 Autori: Simpatičan Mladić