Vrsta: TV
Prevodi kompletirani: Da.
Broj epizoda: 26
Žanr: Avantura, fantazija, komedija, magija
Studio: E&G Films
Godina: 1995
U pitanju je svet fantazije, gde vlada magija i vrebaju čudovišta, a tu je i Lina Inverz! Slatka čarobnica koja baca vatrene kugle koja krade od bogatih i daje samoj sebi! Zajedno sa Gaurijem, zgodnim ali ne baš pametnim mačevaocem, Lina se suočava sa tajnovitostima u potrazi za slavom i bogatstvom. U međuvremenu, Zelgadis, moćni vojnik juri Linu kako bi pokušao da od nje uzme čarobni predmet koji može da izazove smak sveta.

0026: ZAP! Victory is always mine!
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0025: YES! A final hope - The Blessed blade!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 370 Autori: Pegla JK
0024: X-DAY! The Demon beast is reborn!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 349 Autori: Pegla JK
0023: WARNING! Eris' wrath!
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0022: VICE! The One who was left behind!
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0021: UPSET! Gourry vs. Zangulus!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 347 Autori: Pegla JK
0020: TROUBLE! Rahanimu, the Furious fish man!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 358 Autori: Pegla JK
0019: SHOCK! Sairaag falls!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 360 Autori: Pegla JK
0018: RETURN! The Red priest is back!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 356 Autori: Pegla JK
0017: QUESTION? He's proposing to THAT girl?
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 367 Autori: Pegla JK
0016: PASSION! Shall we give our lives for the stage?
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 351 Autori: Pegla JK
0015: OH NO! Lina's wedding rhapsody?
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 360 Autori: Pegla JK
0014: NAVIGATION! An invitation to Sairaag!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 362 Autori: Pegla JK
0013: MONEY! Knock out those bounty hunters!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 365 Autori: Pegla JK
0012: LOVELY! Amelia's magic training!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 366 Autori: Pegla JK
0011: KNOCKOUT! The Seyruun family feud!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 356 Autori: Pegla JK
0010: JACKPOT! The Great life or death gamble!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 372 Autori: Pegla JK
0009: IMPACT! The Eve of the Great Life or Death Struggle!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 348 Autori: Pegla JK
0008: HELP! Shabranigdo Is Reborn!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 355 Autori: Pegla JK
0007: GIVE UP! But, just before we do, the Sure kill sword appears!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 360 Autori: Pegla JK
0006: FOCUS! Rezo's the real enemy?!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 356 Autori: Pegla JK
0005: ESCAPE! Noonsa, the flaming fish man!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 364 Autori: Pegla JK
0004: DASH! Run for it! My magic doesn't work!
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 361 Autori: Pegla JK
0003: CRASH! Red and white and suspicious all over
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 385 Autori: Pegla JK
0002: BAD! Mummy men arent my type
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0001: ANGRY? Lina's furious Dragon slave
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- Format: ASS, SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 460 Autori: Pegla JK